THE ERGONOMIC APE: a history of energy
Events that occurred six million years ago in Africa were the trigger that led to the present fuel crisis.
This documentary charts how humankind first learnt to employ their own physical attributes more effectively to save energy, before using other forms of energy, such as fire to cook their food, animal power and then fossil fuels, to reduce the effort they had to make to survive. It demonstrates too how this ensured the incredible success of our species but also now leaves us extremely vulnerable and totally dependent upon our dwindling fuel resources to survive.
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>> Paper on The Ergonomic Ape (PDF)
This book describes how the dietary needs of our primate ancestors and their quest for food influenced our own species' physical evolution and cognitive characteristics. It explains how migrations, climatic fluctuations and environmental transitions affected the ways in which our hominoid ancestors and later our human forebears acquired their food. Each of these factors in turn influenced our evolution, the development of our culture and our ability to successfully colonise practically every landmass on the planet. However the factors that have made our species successful are the same factors that are now placing our present-day civilization in jeopardy.
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COPERNICUS by Ivan Crowe
Nicholas Copernicus is one of the most famous astronomers of all time. But his achievements can not fully be understood just by acknowledging the intellectual abilities of the man himself. Instead by looking beyond this to the cultural conditions, personal relationships and scientific knowledge of the Renaissance age in which he lived we can learn about the specific circumstances that led him to challenge the beliefs of the day and assert the truth.